
CrossFit – Thu, Nov 2


Please join us Saturday November 4, 2023 for our Annual Honor Mark 5k, friends and family are welcome! T-shirts will come later this year, sign up link has been posted to our facebook members page, or ask a coach for the link! #honormark

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

Banded Tricep Extension (As part of general warm up. 4 sets x 15 reps)

Using a band and a PVC perform tricep extensions

Front Foot Elevated split squat (Light DB’s as part of general warm up. 45lb Plate)

3 Sets:

10 per leg with DB’s in each hand

Metcon (Time)


30 Air Squats

400m Run

15 Alternating DB Snatch (50/35)

10 HR Push Ups
At home WOD is the same today.