Halloween Deadlift Party! Saturday 10/28!
Please join us Saturday November 4, 2023 for our Annual Honor Mark 5k, friends and family are welcome! T-shirts will come later this year, sign up link has been posted to our facebook members page, or ask a coach for the link! #honormark
CrossFit 45 North – 45 North Barbell Club
Snatch High Pull + High Hang Power Snatch + Low Hang Power Snatch (Weight)
In this week 1, you will work at 55% of your 1RM for 1+1+1
Split Jerk (Week 1 work at 85% of 1RM clean and jerk.)
Flat Foot Clean Pull (3 Rounds for weight)
3×3 @ 75% of clean and jerk
Extra Credit Conditioning (Checkmark)
15 cal Bike
10 KBS (72/55)