
CrossFit – Wed, Oct 18


Please join us in celebrating Disability Awareness Month! For the month of October we will be doing one WOD a week that will allow us to see and do things from a different perspective. Thank you to Coach Jay for all of his hard work putting these workouts together. I hope we can all challenge ourselves and also have some fun with these!

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit





Lower Body Adaptive WOD (Time)

For Time:

1 Legless rope climb (10 ft.)

30 x one-leg box thrusters (45# / 35#)

20 x jumping pull-ups

10 x ink-bird ball slams (40# / 20#)

1 Legless rope climb

20 x one-leg box thrusters (60# / 45#)

15 x pull-ups

10 x ink-bird ball slams

1 Legless rope climb

10 x one-leg box thrusters (75# / 55#)

10 x chest-to-bar pull-ups

10 x ink-bird ball slams

1 Legless rope climb
*Athlete chooses one leg before the WOD begins. That is the leg they must use for all single leg movements. They cannot change legs for these movements.

*Rope climb scale is accumulate 15 seconds in a rope hang. Feet must be off the ground, but not used to pinch the rope. It is an arms only hold.

*Scale for pull-ups is jumping pull-ups for all pull-ups.

*Jumping pull-ups are done using only the chosen leg.

*If you cannot hang from the rope for any length of time, you will do 5 ring rows with a 3 second hold at the top of the row.