
CrossFit – Mon, Oct 9


Please join us in celebrating Disability Awareness Month! For the month of October we will be doing one WOD a week that will allow us to see and do things from a different perspective. Thank you to Coach Jay for all of his hard work putting these workouts together. I hope we can all challenge ourselves and also have some fun with these!

Barbells for Bullies date has been changed to Saturday January 27. 2024!

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit




Seated w/o hip function Adaptive WOD (2 Rounds for reps)

8 Minute AMRAP

10 x Seated barbell cleans (75#/45#)

10 x Low Bar Strict Pull-ups

Rest 1 Minute

8 Minute AMRAP

5 x Seated Wall Balls (14# / 10#) (9′ / 7′ target)

5 x Seated DxDB Deadlift (35#/25#)

+5 reps both movements each round.
Athletes must sit far enough back on the box to prevent pressing into the floor for leverage except when pulling the barbell into the lap (for safety).

Athletes must transfer from their box to the floor for pull-ups and then back onto the box for cleans without assistance from the legs. This is to mimic a common wheelchair transfer maneuver.