45 North Barbell Club – Fri, Jul 14


45 North Barbell Club – Fri, Jul 14


Barbells for Bullies competition Saturday 10/21! More details coming soon.

4th Annual river float, July 29th! We will be closed that Saturday.

3-person community building comp at Gratitude Strength Crossfit 7/22. Registration closes 7/17

CrossFit 45 North – 45 North Barbell Club

View Public Whiteboard

Primary Lift

Snatch (Singles at 80%, 85%, 90%x3, 92%x2, 95% )


Back Squat (95%x3x3)

Accessory Work

Front Foot Elevated split squat (3×10 per leg)

3 Sets:

10 per leg with DB’s in each hand

Barbell Rollout (3×8-10)

Use your barbell like an ab wheel

Face Pulls (150 reps)

Using a band pull it towards your face

Banded Tricep Extension (150 reps)

Using a band and a PVC perform tricep extensions