45 North Barbell Club – Fri, Jun 30


45 North Barbell Club – Fri, Jun 30


Everyday Warrior Warriorthon July 1-2. 26 hour race. A warrior is honored every hour by participants running 1 mile on the hour.

Barbells for Bullies competition Saturday 10/21! More details coming soon.

CrossFit 45 North – 45 North Barbell Club

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Primary Lift

Hang Snatch (2 reps below knee @ 70%, 75% and 80%x3)

Hang Snatch Pull (Weight)

Hang snatch high pull x 3 @ 75, 80, 85%x3

Accessory Work

Back Squat


Russian Twists (3×20-30 reps weighted)

Weighted jumps from seated (3 Rounds for weight)

Using DBs or KBs and seated on a box, max height jumps
3×8 with manageable weights

Face Pulls (150 reps)

Using a band pull it towards your face

Banded Tricep Extension (150 reps)

Using a band and a PVC perform tricep extensions