CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit
Week2: Behind The Neck Jerk (3×3)
Only increase weight from last week if it “felt good” week 1. If it felt or looked bad, stay at same weight.
Week2: Split Jerk (3×3)
Only increase from last week, if last week fely good. If it looked or felt like poop, stay at the same weight.
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
1 Mile Run
21 C&J’s (125/85)
800m Run
12 C&J’s (155/105)
**25 Min CAP**
Aim to do Power clean and jerks. But if you must squat to clean it, so be it. 🙂
BWB: Metcon (Time)
For Time:
800m Run
21 DB C&J’s
400m Run
12 DB C&J’s