CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Mini pull up clinic. Coaches choice. Spend 10 minutes reviewing drills and skills.:)
Reverse Tabata Holds (16x)
10 seconds work; 20 seconds rest.
You will do 8 rounds holding chin over bar. You may use the band for assistance.
You will do another 8 rounds of reverse Tabata in static hang.
Tabata Fran (Time)
Thrusters 115/75
Chest to Bar Pullups
This will be done using a tabata clock. Allowed to work for 20 seconds then must rest for 10 until workout is complete.
Scale with pull ups or ring rows or barbell rows.
Metcon (Time)
45 North at home:
For Time:
Odd Object thrusters
Odd Object bicep curls (21-15-9 per arm)