CrossFit – Fri, Aug 11
Bring a friend for free!! August 7th-12th! Unlimited access!
CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit
Face Pulls (4×20; wrap on rig)
Using a band pull it towards your face
Pullovers and Hamstrings (No Measure)
3 sets
A1. 10 PVC Pipe Pulldowns (laying down)
A2. 10 Hamstring curls with bands
Frog stretch (No Measure)
Spend at least 1:00 in frog position. Drive butt down towards heels, then back up.
Week4: Overhead Squat (5×2)
Increase from last week.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
EMOTM 15 Mins
Min 1: 40 DU’s
Min 2: Body weight sled pull one way
Min 3: 12 Front Squats (115/75)
RX+ 15 OHS (115/75)
Sled pull counts as one rep. Pull from door closest to the street to white line. Vise/versa
45 North at home (Checkmark)
EMOTM 15 Mins
Min 1: 40 Jump rope
Min 2: 10 Weighted lunges
Min 3: 12 Weighted squats