CrossFit – Fri, Sep 1


CrossFit – Fri, Sep 1


Nutrition challenge, low-key edition 🙂 9/3-9/30 $15 paid to the gym! Get yourself signed up!

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

Bent Over Reverse Fly (W/DB’s as part of general warm up. )

Tabata Ring Support Holds

Nate (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP in 20 minutes

2 Muscle-Ups

4 Handstand Push-Ups

8 Kettlebell Swings (2/1.5 pood)
In honor of Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy, who was killed Sunday February 4th during combat operations in Iraq.
To learn more about Nate click here
To modify the MU’s perform 2 Dips+ 2 Pull Ups.

I know there will be wasted time going from the wall to the rings, but just consider it a rest!