CrossFit – Tue, Sep 19


CrossFit – Tue, Sep 19


Barbells for Bullies! Sign up! You can volunteer and compete! Go to to sign up!

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

Unweighted Bulgarian Split Squats (No Measure)

2×10 per leg

Seated Dumbbell Press (2×10/arm)

Alternate with Bulgarians

Metcon (Time)

For Time:

60 DB Farmer carry lunges (50/35)(2 DB’s)

50 Single Arm Hang Power Clean & Jerk (25/arm) (50/35)

40 Box Jump Overs (24/20)

50 Single arm Hang Power Clean & Jerk

60 DB Farmer carry lunges
At Home Wod is the same today.