CrossFit – Wed, Apr 26


CrossFit – Wed, Apr 26


Sign up for the Everyday Warrior online Battle Series! Ask a coach for the link! WOD for a cause<3

Mobility Seminar with Doctor Ajay! Sunday 4/30

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

Lat Pulldown (Checkmark)

3×20 Banded Lat Pulldowns

Reverse Tabata Holds

10 seconds work; 20 seconds rest.

You will do 8 rounds holding chin over bar. You may use the band for assistance.

You will do another 8 rounds of reverse Tabata in static hang.

Metcon (Time)


1000m Row

45 Push Ups

45 Pull Ups

RX+ Wear a weight vest. No breaking up of movements.

**RX You may break up the push ups and pull ups each round. For example, sets of 5 of each until completion.

45 North at Home (Checkmark)


800m Run

45 Push Ups

45 DB Flys