

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

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False Grip Pullups (3×3)

Scale by sitting on the floor
3 sets, last set max reps.

Focus on maintaining that grip and bringing your chest to the rings.

L-Sit (3 sets )

Alternate with the pull ups. Hold for max effort each time. Count seconds as ‘reps’.

Record best.

Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)

4 Rounds, 3 Minute windows.

3 Power Snatches (125/85)

3 Wall Walks

3 Ring MU’s

**1 minute rest between rounds**

RX+: Squat Snatches
4, three minute windows. Score is total reps completed each round.

Perfect time to push yourself on all three movements!

BWB: Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)

4 Rounds, 3 Minute windows:

20 Ball Slams

3 Wall Walks


Cals on Machine of choice

** Rest 1 Minute between rounds**

May switch up machines each round.