CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit
Goal for these deadlifts is to work on developing the strength to be able to do touch and go deadlifts. Relying on dropping at the top too much.
Tempo Deadlift (3 sets x 5 reps at 70% @3330)
Hold at top of deadlift for 3 seconds and take 3 seconds to lower the bar to the ground
Deficit Deadlift ( Deficit Deadlift 3 sets x 5 reps @ 75% linked )
BWB Cardio
50 Right Side Luggage Deadlifts
50 Left side luggage deadlifts
100 lateral jumps over object like bar o
Metcon (Time)
10 to 1 in 15 min – 6 box jump overs after each round – finish with box jump overs
Floor press
Weighted Situps
Seated on Floor Dumbbell Press (alternating – “resting arm stays in air”)
Dumbbell deadlift
To do this RX – all reps must be unbroken
If you do not finish count the box jump overs in reps left – each rep is 1 second added to 15 min
Weighted situps are with your dumbbells