

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit

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Midline (No Measure)

tabata sholder taps (opposite shoulder)- 4 sets

Tabata hollow holds -4 sets


Metcon (8 Rounds for weight)

In 40 minutes (which includes getting to starting weight):

8 Sets

10 Med Ball Cleans (20/14) + 2 cleans + 2 Bar MU

increase weight 5 times (yes 5 times, not 4)

Record each weight (8 rounds, 5 different weights)

if scaling do

10 med ball cleans + 2 cleans + 2 chest to bar or banded Mu or eccentric jumping chest to bar

the scaling option should be hard example – jumping up and slowly lowering down or if under a bar that is racked, pulling up and slowly lowering down without much weight in your feet

These are squat cleans

Body Weight Burn

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

30 Min Amrap

10 Med Ball Cleans

15 Airsquats

5 Strict Pullups