
45 North Barbell Club – Fri, Oct 20


Please join us in celebrating Disability Awareness Month! For the month of October we will be doing one WOD a week that will allow us to see and do things from a different perspective. Thank you to Coach Jay for all of his hard work putting these workouts together. I hope we can all challenge ourselves and also have some fun with these!

CrossFit 45 North – 45 North Barbell Club

Snatch (4×1)

65%, 70%, 75%, 80%

Record last rep

Front Squat (3,2,1
82% for 3 reps. The increase by 10lbs for the next 2 sets. )

Record last set

Bench Press (4,3,3,3

First set at 75%, then decrease weight for drop sets of 3, SPEED bench. As explosive as possible on each rep. Record 3×3

Accessory Work

Barbell lateral lunge 2 sets x 6 reps per leg.

Unilateral farmer carry 100m 2 sets

Extra Credit Conditioning WOD (Time)


60 Cal Row

30 T2B