
CrossFit – Sat, Oct 14; Jay


Please join us in celebrating Disability Awareness Month! For the month of October we will be doing one WOD a week that will allow us to see and do things from a different perspective. Thank you to Coach Jay for all of his hard work putting these workouts together. I hope we can all challenge ourselves and also have some fun with these!

Barbells for Bullies date has been changed to Saturday January 27. 2024!

CrossFit 45 North – CrossFit









Sensory Adaptive WOD (Time)

Partner WOD

[switch after each round]

5 Rounds for Time

100 m band guided run

6 x Toes-to-Bar

8 x Hang Power Snatch (95# / 65#)

10 x Box Step-up (24″ / 20″)


Cash Out: 100 Double-Unders
Each working athlete will be “blind,” either opting to close their eyes or wear a blindfold for the duration of their round.

Each partner will complete 5 full rounds.

Cash out is simultaneous once all rounds are completed. Both athletes are “blind” for the cash-out.