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CrossFit 45 North – 45 North Barbell Club
Warm Up
W/empty Barbell or PVC:
:30 secs couch stretch/leg
Samson Stretch :30/leg
Muscle Snatch 10x
Behind the neck press 10x
Overhead squats 10x
Snatch Balance 5x
Behind the neck sots press 5x
Snatch (5×1 @ 80% )
Front Squat (3,2,1 record last set. )
3 Reps at 70%. Increase weight for sets of 2 and 1
Bench Press (4×3)
Work to 85% of 1 RM bench for first set. Then DECREASE weight for drop sets of 3×3 SPEED bench.
Accessory Work
Barbell Lateral Lunge 2 sets x6 reps per side
2x100ft 1 arm farmer carry each arm. So, down and back the length of the gym each arm.
Extra credit work out (Checkmark)
60 seconds max DU’s
10 Hand release Push ups
15 Cal Bike SPRINT